Services Provided
Before & After
The CyberCletch team moved previous custom code functionality into a plugin environment for ease of updates and theme changes in the future.
The article archive page was customized with the most recent article highlighted at the top and text floating over the archive images. Farm News Update section was also a unique feature that tied into the plugin we built to accompany news layout needs.
The individual article pages were formatted to include a simplified sidebar, related articles and thumbnails for the previous and next articles.
The previous website search results were not helpful to users looking for specific articles since it displayed newspaper archives as well. We adjusted the site search parameters to only search for words from article headlines and displayed them in an easier-to-review manner.
We redesigned the Team page to include bios and contact information for each team member.
We redesigned the newspaper archives page making it easier for viewers to access a past newspaper by year and month.
The header was redesigned to be smaller so that the newspaper articles and content would appear "above the fold."