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Passionate Customer Service

4 min read

Maltese Falcon Couple 06 by Pioneer Library System on FlickrHow many times have you been told to “write about what your passion is”? I have heard it too many times to count.

While writing this blog post I came to the realization that I have been a passionate customer service advocate since I quit my retail management job in the 80’s when the unusually high level of customer service fell victim to corporate cutbacks.

If I become incensed about anything, it’s always in regards to a customer service failure. I have strong opinions that I don’t hesitate to share verbally so now I’ll put them in writing while offering you the opportunity to provide a higher standard of doing business with your customers.

Did you know that I still work with my very first client? That the majority of companies that use CyberCletch have had monthly relationships with us for more than 5 years? We’re obviously doing something right.

Customer service seems to be in short supply even though that’s exactly what will separate the wheat from the chaff in this economy. Since I have found long term service success, in the future I’ll passionately share ways in which you can increase your clientele by adjusting how you do business and relate to your clients.

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